SIX ACCIDENTAL MOMENTS ON GREAT RECORDS / OH COMELY 10/08/201707/01/2022Jason Ward The crucial difference between songs and records is that a song is an idea and a record is a thing. The clue’s in
MAE MARTIN / OH COMELY 10/08/201707/01/2022Jason Ward It’s a compelling proposition: in her latest stand-up show Dope, Mae Martin details the significant addictions of her life, one by one. First,
SIX PETS WITH CONSTITUTIONAL POWER / OH COMELY 21/06/201725/09/2017Jason Ward The relentless electioneering of recent years has been exhausting and demoralising, but politics isn’t wholly bleak: it will always be funny, at least,
THE END OF ENDINGS / OH COMELY 21/06/201722/09/2017Jason Ward I was 27 when I first learned that The Beatles is a pun. Even though I’ve known how to spell “beetle” for some
HOW TO GET KICKED OUT OF A MUSEUM / OH COMELY 21/06/201722/09/2017Jason Ward My lack of a criminal past owes more to cowardice than an abundance of virtue. I’ve always been uncomfortable with the prospect of
JOSIE LONG / OH COMELY 21/06/201725/09/2017Jason Ward On certain days it’s possible to wake up in a country you don’t quite recognise. From bruising austerity cuts to the spread of
SEEING THINGS IN THE DARK / OH COMELY 13/04/201707/01/2022Jason Ward I am staring up at where the ceiling should be, except the ceiling isn’t there any more. In its place is blackness, and
SIX UNLIKELY UPRISINGS / OH COMELY 13/04/201722/09/2017Jason Ward It’s possible to wake up one day and completely change the world. Yes! We have it within us to see something amiss in
PEARL MACKIE / OH COMELY 13/04/201722/09/2017Jason Ward The programme was called Mean Town. Pearl Mackie hadn’t heard of it before, but had been asked by her agent if she might
ALICE BIRCH / OH COMELY 13/04/201722/09/2017Jason Ward Sometimes if you want something to exist you have to make it yourself. In the midst of a busy, burgeoning theatrical career, playwright